Angie's List Visitor Review Form
How do we increase the conversion rate of the visitor review form while maintaining the trust and thoroughness of Angie’s List reviews?
The business had noticed a dip in the conversion rate of the visitor review form, and wanted to explore new ways of collecting the valuable information we needed to maintain the high quality of our reviews. Potential and existing customers use these reviews on a daily basis to make important decisions on who to hire for their next home project, and the majority of the fields on the form are not required, but greatly beneficial to the review.

I interviewed members of the reviews team and business leaders to find out what required pieces of information were necessary to keep the integrity of our reviews.
Competitive Analysis
Unsurprisingly, everyone has a different take on the review form. Do I make my form short and concise, or long and thorough? Do I allow for open ended commenting? What does my star rating really mean? I studied review forms from related industries, as well as industries farthest from us, to gain insight and inspiration.
Heuristic Evaluation
I analyzed the current visitor review form to identify any quick-win design improvements that could be made.

What We Heard From the Business:
• "People who are having services performed on their homes are not leaving reviews."
• "The form is way too long."
• "How can we make filling out a form more engaging?"

I departed from the single page, long scrolling experience of the current form and presented each section in a more digestible card format to keep the experience more focused.
As each card is completed, the next card would display. Previous cards could be revisited for editing. Progress is tracked via a progress bar.
After collecting the required information, we prompt the visitor to help us improve our reviews by completing the optional portions of the form.

I also explored alternate options as part of the iteration process. One option encouraged the reviewer to upload a picture of the work performed for them upfront. Analytics showed that photo uploads were very low, but very useful for other potential home owners as a decision making tool.
Project Details​
My Role: Senior UX Designer
Team: PO Reviews, Visual Designer, App Dev